Gorgeous Mama Pregnancy Guide Part I

Hello Dear Readers!

I am still living every day through the lens of yoga, now as a mom, and am excited to share what I learned while pregnant last year. This is my guide to being pregnant in the summertime-- or any season really. While I could just as easily recommend epsom salts and coconut oil only, despite my yogini status I am admittedly a consumer and avid internet research enthusiast.

I hope you find some helpful gems in Part I of my Gorgeous Mama Pregnancy Guide.
Here I am in labor.


Being pregnant requires more effort than usual, but staying physically active helps relieve common symptoms like swelling, back pain, and moodiness.

1. walks: daily! they lower your blood pressure, lift your mood, and improve your lung capacity. 

2. squats: try them against the wall, on a block (or two), or hold onto a door by the handles. squats strengthen and tone the pelvic floor, and alleviate low back pain.

3. cat/cow movement: the simple motion of tilting your pelvis back and forth can relieve bloating, gas, pain, and help baby into optimal positioning for the big event. try cat/cow variations seated, on all fours, on your back (through 2nd trimester), or in standing.

4. swim and soak: take trips to your favorite river, local pool, or buy a kiddie pool. cool water kicks swelling in the butt. bonus: add epsom salts to your bath-- it's a natural muscle relaxant!

5. find a yoga class with a knowledgeable instructor (like my Balanced Prenatal: Yoga for the Pregnant Body every Thursday at Alma).



Eating well not only makes a positive impact througout your life, in pregnancy it can keep you from developing gestational diabetes, and aside from that it is a wonderful practice to pass on to your kids. The tough part is while being pregnant a number of symptoms might make it difficult for you to eat enough good stuff. Supplements can be helpful if this is the case for you.

1. watermelon juice: puree ripe watermelon with water and fresh lime. a simple and delicious way to feel refreshed!

2. frozen fruit: for smoothies, and as cooling snacks. 

3. protein shakes: in my 1st trimester I learned from my ND that a lack of protein in your diet is one of the main causes of nausea. so if you're to sick to eat, just suck down a protein shake.

4. boiled eggs: more protein- if you can stomach cooking eggs, they are fast, easy sources of protein. 

5. iron: it is super common to be a bit anemic in pregnancy, and it can contribute to feelings of lethargy. I recommend Iron Extra by Vitanica because they are gentle on your system. 

6. prenatal vitamins: lots of great options but I loved the whole-food Perfect Prenatal by New Chapter and Basic Prenatal by Thorne.  

7. cal/mag supplements: for leg cramps or insomnia, drink Cal-Mag Citrate powder by Thorne before bed. 

8. protein bars: I tried tons of flavors and my absolute favorite are the Honey Pretzel by Luna. Stock up and place in the car, in your bag, in your desk at work.

Stay tuned for the rest of my Summer Pregnancy Guide...


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