Travel Season

Last year at this time I had a 5 month contract working as an Admissions Counselor recruiting for a small, private art school. Fall through early winter is the busiest season, a time when counselors travel the country promoting their school to high school students before the college application deadline hits. Being on the road is an adventure, and what one lacks in sleep one often makes up for a sense of empowerment in the fact that their work is meaningful.

Whether you're speaking at an event or meeting other Admissions folk afterward, being able to make connections to other people is the most important part of the job. On the road like-minded Counselors often band together to form a semblance of family; they carpool to events, eat together, and enjoy local culture whilst creating a sense of security in an otherwise complex matrix of getting from one place to another.

As a yoga practitioner, I found the downside of the adventure was that sleeping in a different hotel bed every night takes its toll on your body and spirit. Though I did find many wonderful yoga studios while in New York City, some towns simply do not afford that luxury. While sitting on the biggest towel I could find on the floor of a hotel room in Southeastern Oregon I remembered reading an article in a travel magazine describing what organisms actually live on hotel floors. I took a deep breath and began moving through surya namaskar.

Inspired by the trials of last year's travel season I decided to offer live yoga lessons via video chat. If you're like me you delight in the community, or kula, that is created by practicing with others, and to this end I offer my practice to the community of hearty travelers making their home wherever they are.

In the words of Mr. Tom Waits,
Well I said anywhere, anywhere, anywhere I lay my head, boys I gonna call my home.

Make time for your mental and physical health, and schedule an online session with me. Your yoga practice is always available to you even if you only have 30 minutes. Spread the word if you know people who would be interested in a taking a private class, to those who live in a place where time spent + gas equals more than the cost of attending a class, and to those who have a hectic travel schedule and don't have time to research local studios.

Love and Light,
