Habits and (divine?) intervention
Therapeutic Thursday.My naturopathic doctor warned me years ago that coffee and I didn't get along. She even helped me quit coffee, wheat, dairy, and nightshade vegetables. A year ago I accepted an administrative job and easily fell back into the coffee habit.
Last Monday my french press split in half. I tried to salvage the delicious-smelling Central American blend to no avail. I took it as a sign and quit. Now that I'm teaching yoga regularly and no longer working in an office, I simply can't afford to ride the highs and lows of a coffee buzz.
What I love about life without coffee is I fall sleep more easily and that my sleep is more satisfying. My moods are also more even and my digestion has improved. Not to say I don't crave the taste because I've actually had dreams about drinking coffee.
An article in Science Daily states that our relationship to stress significantly impacts our cravings. (The article is focused on those in recovery though caffeine is not mentioned.) It states that people who cope with problems by avoiding them will be more likely to succumb to their cravings. I don't think of myself as someone who avoids problems, but I have noticed that not having coffee does make it easier to cope with stress as it arises.
It has been two weeks without coffee and as I struggle with the memory of it, I remind myself to take it one day at a time!